I would never have noticed without the weight belt. I should be a paid spokesperson for these things - I don't get anything for recommending them. I really love mine, and tell my students if they REALLY want to get into their bellydance movements they should get one, but I know they're pricey and it's hard for students to spend what could be costume money on something like a weight belt. Too bad, they are really cool. They're really amazing 0 in my experience they seem to magnify what the body is doing, in terms of awareness. They make you really feel what your muscles are doing. Obviously, they're fabulous if you do Egyptian style, where you need that inner muscular awareness.
So now I have to wear it and walk around to see if I can figure out what I'm doing that's different on my right side...
I'm including a link to them on Delilah's site because I think they're awesome -
maybe one of your legs is shorter than the other one or weaker because of an old injury or something... ? an orthopedic specialist should be able to figure it out.