Sunday, July 18, 2010

3 months.... had to dance finally!

Last week I felt like I MIGHT be able to get a dance together for this weekend's show (my students' annual recital), and I happened to hear a song that made me feel like dancing too even though it's not my usual style. It just felt like how I felt right now (Dust Devil by Kaya Project).
But I knew I wasn't supposed to do any hip moves yet, according to the Dr., and moving around quickly on my feet is just starting to work again too, without causing subsequent hip pain (from muscles that aren't used to it). So it was all pretty iffy... but I worked on it every day just a little bit, and thanks to Sera's East Coast Tribal DVD which I happened to have (we were both Marrakesh dancers together a few years ago), I was able to get a short dance done.
I decided to do it at the tech rehearsal instead of the actual show, so I wouldn't get carried away in front of a "real audience". Also I knew I had to commit myself so I told my students about it.
And then I did it! It was so much fun, and I smiled all the way home...
here's my hip-less bellydance

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