Tuesday, June 17, 2014

just another challenge...

It seems crazy that I'd dance when actually pretty disabled! 

The video in the post below is from only a little over a month ago - I could barely use my left hip! That means I couldn't really use it well for balance, or for articulating movements on the other side, my right hip. Yet I'm dancing. 

I think there's something about some performers that just makes us do it no matter what. Is it crazy? I don't know - but the thing is, NO ONE HAS ANY IDEA HOW HARD IT WAS TO DANCE! Yet there I am performing - who can explain it!

That's what "the show must go on" means, right? You don't give up easy. And that's exactly what makes recovery from surgery easier too! 

So here's to having whatever it is that makes us go on in the face of difficulties. I'm so thankful I'm "one of those" types of performers.

Anthea Kawakib
- End of Post -

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