Thursday, September 22, 2011

(gasp) OUCH (gasp) No, really, I'm okay!

Teaching bellydance classes last night went fine even though I couldn't really take a deep breath because of my rib injury (see previous post about my fall off a horse)... but at least I'd remembered about my left-over pain meds from my hip surgery and thus felt pretty good! So more of that will be happening tonight with my two beginner classes!

And October is going to be busy - I decided to load up my calendar with an in-house student workshop, as well as solo performances at a couple of nearby shows, and local marketing demos. It's like getting back in the saddle, bellydance-wise. But I feel up to it, and the discrepancy in strength between one hip and the other is diminishing, though I still notice it in certain moves like shimmies and sharp moves. Maybe I only notice it because I'm looking - but I know if *I* am looking, others will be too. And that's fine because I consider myself a source of inspiration for Aging Bellydancers, which pretty much covers them all!
...and now off to get ready to teach!
by Anthea (Kawakib)

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