Sunday, April 4, 2010

Further-back Story

Reading the beginning of this makes it sound like the horse fall did me in, but that was really a blessing in disguise since it made me get xrays. My leg was getting too weak and making my body go off-kilter so I couldn't balance. The right side of my back had locked up, and my right knee kept hurting – and all the Dr.s could talk about was my hip – so I hope that once my hip is replaced, the other issues are resolved too. Maybe it IS all from my hip, who knows.
My poor right hip was my “standing hip” meaning I'd stand on it while using my left hip – most bellydancers use one or the other more often - I was left-hipped. So the right hip was grinding away supporting my weight most of the time. Then the long drives home after dancing up in the city night after night, no stretching or icing, just straight to bed (of course I washed my face!). Turns out that's a recipe for arthritis. Young dancers, take note!

Knowing I'll be “on holiday” for a couple of weeks makes me feel like I've got so much to get done now. Am still trying to nail it all down: getting the next PRISM show squared away; scheduling my sub/helpers for classes; doing our taxes; Zaghareet article; fitting in my horse activities & commitments; housework and laundry too? Geez. I'm hobbling along on a crutch dragging laundry baskets – LOL! Finally was able to get down on all fours & clean the kitchen floor, first time in weeks. Nice, that.
Also have a bunch of new exercises for my leg... those are REALLY making my hip freaking sore.. and Tylenol's not cutting it.... I'll try a little Advil today too & see if that makes a difference.

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